70+ History Dissertation Topics And Ideas

History is all about studying events that happened in the past. It is a very interesting subject because it helps us understand how the world works and things have changed over time. However, writing a dissertation in history can become very challenging. This is especially true if you do not have a good topic to write about. Therefore, in this guide we offer a list of excellent history dissertation topics and ideas to make things easier for final-year students. These topics can help you write a great paper and get high scores.

What is a History Dissertation

History is the study of the past. It helps you understand how things came into being. Looking at past events, we can learn about the world and how it has evolved. This knowledge helps us understand the present better. A historical dissertation is a written study on a specific historical topic, theme, person, conflict, or event. It shows triumph and tragedy, conflict and compromise, with complete information. An introduction, methods, discussion, conclusion, and references are all included in a perfect dissertation.

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70+ trending History Dissertation Topics 2024-2024

Ancient History Dissertation Topics

  • What Caused the Persian War and What Was the Final Result?
  • The Giza Pyramids' significance to ancient Egypt
  • What Part Did the UK Play in Preserving Peace and Harmony?
  • Evolution of Contemporary Europe
  • Talk about Mesopotamia's Ancient Legal System.
  • Explain the Great Ancient Building Wonders
  • Beliefs, Impact, and Customs of the Mayan Culture
  • Myths Around the Trojan Wars and the Historical Event's Realism
  • The Fall of Ancient Knowledge and the Alexandrian Library as an Intellectual Centre
  • Greek philosophy's impact on Western philosophical traditions and conceptions

Controversial History Dissertation Topics 2024

  • Analyse the historical Mesopotamian culture.
  • The history of the classical Greek Games
  • Examine the cruelty and warfare of the past.
  • Development of gender roles and relationships for women
  • Discuss the Maya Empire in the context of historical civilisations.
  • Contrast the burial customs of ancient Egypt and Greece.
  • What impact has geography had on the development of ancient culture?
  • The response of the world to the papyrus development
  • History of art and its influence on prehistoric societies
  • The Egyptian Pyramids significance

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Art History Dissertation Topics

  • An examination of the evolution of Byzantine and Egyptian art
  • How may contemporary feminism allow for new interpretations of Egyptian art?
  • Analyse the evolution of the human body in Egyptian architecture and art.
  • Is it accurate to say that Egyptian art didn't really change over time?
  • What effect did Miro have on the movement of surrealism?
  • Examine current feminism in the context of Egyptian art.
  • It is appropriate to compare the development of Byzantine and Egyptian art.
  • Analyse Gothic art from a mediaeval standpoint.
  • Examine ancient Egyptian artwork.
  • Nature's impact on Indian painting.

19th Century History Dissertation Topics

  • Talk about the Opium Wars
  • Renaissance Paintings and Their Symbolism of Religion
  • Women's Suffrage: The Growth of Movements and the Fight for Equality
  • The Theory of Evolution by Darwin
  • Being Moral in the Treatment of Mental Illness
  • Industrial Revolution's effects on Western Civilisation
  • East India's imperialism
  • History of the 19th Century and Nationalism

Best Women's History Dissertation Topics

  • The Role of Women Warriors in Major Historical Movements
  • Queen Elizabeth I's Life and Reign: Obstacles and Triumphs
  • Talk about the feminist movement's second wave throughout the 1970s.
  • Victorian Culture and Gender Conventions
  • Women's Role and Difficulties in World War II
  • The Position of Women in Greek Society
  • Talk about the Gender Relations and Role of Women in the Ancient World.
  • The Place of Women in Mediaeval Courts and Politics
  • Women's Participation in the American Revolution
  • Marie Curie's Impact on Scientific Progress and Development

Advanced History Dissertation Ideas

  • Discourse on Ancient Civilisations: The Maya Empire
  • The Ancient Olympic Games: A Look Back at Their Traditions and Events
  • People's Views of Ancient Greece's Leadership
  • The Mesopotamian Civilisation should be discussed.
  • How Poetry Reflected the First World War
  • Comparative Study: International Reaction to the COVID-19 Epidemic
  • Causes and Consequences of the Disturbance in Britain and Colonies
  • China's Qin Dynasty and Unification
  • The History of the Greek Olympics
  • Different Weapons Used by Ancient Civilisations

Second World War History Dissertation Topics

  • Using nuclear weapons during World War II
  • Allies Win Against Germany: Talk About the Five Main Events
  • German War Strategies in World War II
  • Black Americans' involvement in and suffering during World War II
  • Japanese War efforts during World War II
  • World War II: The United States Contribution to Victory
  • Which country was most negatively impacted by the outcomes of World War II?
  • The Aftermath of World War II's Impact
  • Nazi Representatives' lives, who were able to flee following the Soviet victory
  • The Way Things Would Have Changed Had Germany Won the Second World War

Modern History Dissertation Topics

  • Setting the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in historical perspective
  • The Israeli-Arab Conflict
  • Holocaust: Horrors Performed by Nazis
  • The Indian Civil Rights Movement
  • Egypt's transition to democracy
  • Cold War Repercussions Around the World
  • Talk about the German Army.
  • Talk about globalisation in the twenty-first century.
  • China's Cultural Revolution
  • Challenges of Modernisation and Turkish State Bureaucracy
  • The Environmental Movement: Preservation, Climate Change, and Sustainable Development
  • An examination of the regimes of Mussolini, Hitler, and Franco in Europe during the Rise of Fascism

How to Choose History Dissertation Topic

Choosing a great history dissertation topic involves finding something that interests you. Start by thinking about areas in history that you find fascinating. This could be a specific period, event, or person you are curious about. Once you have picked the idea, do some research and find gaps or unanswered questions. This will help you narrow down your topic to something unique and manageable.

Ensure your topic fits your academic program's requirements and has enough primary and secondary sources for thorough research. Also, think about the scope and feasibility of your topic. Consider your time and resources and choose a topic you can realistically complete. You can also take help from your supervisor.


Now, you clearly understand what history dissertations are and how to pick a topic for them. This blog includes over 70+ unique and up-to-date history dissertation topics to help you stand out in your class. If you are still having problems while choosing a topic, you can take help from Assignment Vision.
