100+ Latest Hr Dissertation Topics
Human Resources (HR) is a vast academic field dealing with innovative strategies for recruitment, training, supervision, and administration. It also combines theories from both Business and Psychology. You will study and acquire knowledge of many personnel management concepts, frameworks, and theories as an HRM student. However, you must submit a dissertation on the latest and trending HR research topic before graduation.
When finding unique HR dissertation topics, students must consider various factors, such as current trends in the field, organisational needs, and personal interests. By carefully selecting topics, students can ensure that their research contributes meaningfully to human resources. Since this field is evolving frequently, it is quite challenging for students to pick the best topic, especially when professors demand the latest HR dissertation topics. To ease this process, we have compiled a list of 100+ trending and latest HR research topics that will help students submit outstanding dissertations.
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Below are the top human resource dissertation ideas to grab your professor's attention.
Strategic HRM Dissertation Topics
- A thorough investigation into the strategic HRM procedures non-profit organisations use
- What role does strategic planning play in disaster management (UK-specific)?
- What impact do strategic SRM policies have on corporate identity?
- An overview of a senior management business that prioritises strategic planning
- Value capture theory contrasted with conventional strategic management techniques.
- When Strategic HRM policies are put into practice in schools, what happens?
- CSR demands management abilities to handle client feedback.
- The importance of sound management in small enterprises
Covid-19 HRM Research Topics
- What part do managers play in a pandemic?
- Employee management strategies.
- The Covid-19 Economic Crisis for HR Managers
- HR policies that apply to impacted employees.
- The workers' collaboration with HR
Training and Development HR Research Topics
- The effectiveness of online versus in-person training: Perspectives for a post-COVID environment.
- Training for unconscious bias: beneficial or detrimental?
- Examining the significance of training feedback.
- What abilities are required in today's volatile world?
- Who provides the trainers with training?
- Does one require soft skills? An examination of the IT industry through a case study.
- Is it worth investing in training and development in the gig economy?
Organisational Culture HR Dissertation Topics
- The impact of a hierarchical culture on how advancement arrangement is carried out
- Explain in further detail how authoritative cultures and systems impact the board's attempts at information.
- What impact does the Six Sigma ideology have on the culture of authority?
- Assessing the impact of a hierarchical culture on job satisfaction
- The role of representational commitment in an authoritative culture
- Are the hierarchical culture and our administration related? Justify your responses using reputable evidence.
HRM Dissertation Topics on Appraisal
- Examine the effects of subjectivity evacuation on the advancement of the workplace.
- Examine the impact of tests on similarly situated employees.
- Effects of the pay increase.
- Is it appropriate for HR management to use 360-degree assessments?
- Examine how public examinations and spinal compensation rewards affect performance growth.
- Conduct an in-depth investigation of performance evaluations from the representative's point of view.
Trending Reward Management HR Dissertation Topics
- Research on the impact of incentives on workers, both in terms of money and non-money
- An investigation of the incentive structures in developing nations
- A comparative analysis of how incentives affect workers' motivation
- Examining the value of incentive programs for new businesses
- In-depth research on several reward management guidelines
- Dissertation research in human resources on several forms of excellence reward
- The goal of incentives in performance supervision
- Explanation of the HRM reward management procedure
- Implement incentive schemes to ensure complete staff loyalty
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Performance Management HR Dissertation Topics
- Evaluating the efficiency of call centre performance management systems.
- The Economics of Providing Public Goods: Critical Review of Health Care System
- Financial Stability and Fiscal Policy: Observations from the World Financial Crunch
- Correlational Research on Social Welfare Programs and Labour Market Engagement
- A Comparison of the Impact of Government Expenditure on Economic Growth Among Various Countries
Economics of Finance:
- Financial Market Integration and Economic Growth: Evidence from Co-movements in the Stock Market
- What opinions do workers have on the banking industry's performance management systems?
- Investigating the component of performance management systems that is unproductive.
- Can systems of performance management help to motivate employees?
- Are methods for performance management just another version of Taylorism?
- A case study of successful performance management systems that balances encouragement and control.
- Examine how well remote teams used performance management systems during the COVID-19 epidemic.
Custom Employee Engagement Dissertation Topics 2024-2025
- Horizontal communication's function in the workplace
- How Supervisors May Raise Worker Engagement
- Why low employee involvement leads to strikes and protests
- Labour unions' function is to encourage employee involvement
- Effective employee engagement strategies for a calm work environment
- The benefits and drawbacks of a universal strategy for staff engagement
- How to make brand-new hires feel like they belong on their first day
- Why it's critical to convey company expectations as soon as possible
- Enjoyable ways to strengthen bonds between employees and employers
- Why giving workers the option to work from home increases productivity
- Considering the actual workspace of an employee
- Giving birthday presents to staff members is a great approach to inspire them.
- How to evaluate an employee's strengths to the fullest extent possible
- Why the Boss Mentality Kills Employee Engagement
- The impact of coaching on raising worker engagement
- Why workers need to take responsibility for their jobs
- The effects of consulting staff members for recommendations as an employer
HR Employee Motivation Research Topics
- To better understand the function of motivation in HRM, a study identified the key drivers of motivation for aspiring corporate executives.
- Are work motivation and employee satisfaction related?
- Assessing Employee Motivation's Contribution to Performance Improvement
- Impact of employee performance on incentive programs and activities
- Does lowering employee turnover have anything to do with motivation? An analysis of British Airways' case
- Are performance rewards and motivation related to one another?
- The contribution of employee motivation programs and activities to work productivity
- To talk about how employee motivation affects retention rates
- Traditional and modern theories: distinctions and similarities
- The role that open communication has in raising Zara staff engagement
Office Culture Human Resource Dissertation Topics
- Growth-promoting effects of a positive company culture
- An overview of leadership and change management
- Some pointers for comprehending and fostering organisational culture
- A proposal for a dissertation on the notion of organisational culture
- Every HR professional should understand this approach to business culture!
- The importance of leadership abilities in managing culture
- A qualitative examination of the instances of organisational culture from actual life
Human Resources Topics for A+ Grades
- Using technology to address ongoing issues with human resources
- The section of a duty roster used in personnel management
- What influences employee appraisals?
- Why is it crucial to study and respond to the results?
- The subjective component in evaluations
- Examine and contrast evaluations from public and private organisations.
- Why job satisfaction depends on motivation
- Why serving employees rather than employers is the responsibility of the human resource manager
- Disparities between employee motivation and overall reward
- Employees' constructive reactions to decisions over human resources
- Proactive strategies for integrating new hires into a company
- How can prejudice in HR procedures result from diversity?
- The effects of HR procedures in a global community
- The impact of cross-national diversity on HR procedures
- Why HR values within an organisation have the power to raise or lower it
- Future planning's function in human resource management
- How employee motivation affects retention rates
- Self-actualisation as a component of human resource management